Evil Clown Shorties:
Shorties are roughly 5 minute pieces recorded during soundchecks at Evil Clown Headquarters Livestreams. These discs collect a full CDs worth of these short works from all the Evil Clown Ensembles…
Evil Clown Shorties

1) Gravity Probe B (3:41) from Leap of Faith – Geodetic Drift (5/3/2023)
2) Subnuclear Forces (5:43) from Leap of Faith – The Origin of Mass (5/13/2023)
3) Representations (4:55) from Simulacrum – Mimesis (5/18/2023)
4) Grasp (5:03) from Expanse – Reach (5/30/2023)
5) Manifold of Events (5:14) from Leap of Faith – Emergent Spacetime (6/6/2023)
6) A Morbid Aversion to Dying (5:22) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – Insanity is Contagious (6/26/2023)
7) Extensionality (5:39) from Axioms – Extensions to Infinity (7/18/2023)
8) LSD Spiders Want my Lunch Money (5:29) from Expanse – Gamut (7/29/2023)
9) Limit (5:13) from Expanse – Extent (8/15/2023)
10) Polar Vortex (5:23) from Turbulence Orchestra – Jet Stream (8/22/2023)
11) Divination (5:29) from Leap of Faith – Scrying (9/1/2023)
12) Massless States (5:05) from Leap of Faith – Graviton Propagates (9/9/2023)
13) Breezy (5:24) from Turbulence Orchestra – Gust Loads (9/16/2023)
14) Atmospheric Phenomena (7:48) from Turbulence Orchestra – Gust Loads (9/16/2023)
Reeds: PEK (1-14), Michael Caglianone (3, 6, 9, 11), Dennis Livingston (10, 13-14), Bonnie Kane (13-14)
Brass: John Fugarino (1, 10, 12, 13, 14), Bob Moores (1-3, 6, 10, 12-14), Eric Dahlman (8, 10, 13-14), Duane Reed (10), Kat Dobbins (13-14)
Strings/Guitar: Glynis Lomon (1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12), Jiaxin Wan (2, 12), Chris Alford (7), Tim Mungenast (8)
Bass: Albey onBass (3, 7, 9, 11), Mike Gruen (6), Scott Samenfeld (10, 13-14)
Keys/Synth/Electronics: Eric Zinman (3), Robin Amos (4), Eric Woods (5-6), Count Robot (8), DNA Girl (8)
Spoken Word: Jane SpokenWord (7)
Drums/Percussion: Michael Knoblach (1, 3-4, 8-11), Jared Seabrook (5), Steve Niemitz (6), John Loggia (13-14)
1) Einstein–Rosen Bridges (4:59) from Turbulence – Wormholes– 9/30/2023
2) Polysemy and Homonymy (5:19) from Leap of Faith – Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguities – 10/14/2023
3) Counteracting the Disturbance (4:55) from Perturbations – Equilibrium Disturbed -10/17/2023
4) Chiaroscuro (5:54) from Simulacrum – Shadows – 10/24/2023
5) Conflagration (5:14) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – A Great Python Spits Venomous Kerosene Upon the World – 11/2/2023
6) Constants (5:20) from Expanse – Attenuations – 11/4/2023
7) Possible Outcomes of Empirical Phenomena (5:17) from Leap of Faith – Quest for Uncertainty – 11/11/2023
8) Undiscovered (5:31) from Perturbations – That’s where the Unknown is… – 11/14/2023
9) Robots on Parade (5:34) from Simulacrum – Mechatronics – 12/5/2023
10) Eternal Series (1:58) from Leap of Faith – Cyclic Models – 12/9/2023
11) Self-Sustaining Cycles (5:40) from Leap of Faith – Cyclic Models – 12/9/2023
12) Giant Monster Insurance (5:18) from Neurodivergent – Cosmic Collisions – 1/13/2024
13) Phases of the Current (5:14) from Leap of Faith – Radiation Patterns – 1/20/2024
14) Ordinary Vectors (5:16) from Leap of Faith Chinese Orchestra – Magic Squares– 1/27/2024
15) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5:15) from Simulacrum – Archetypes – 2/1/2024
Reeds: PEK (1-15), Michael Caglianone (4-5, 8-9, 12, 15), Bonnie Kane (1, 7)
Brass: John Fugarino (1, 6, 11, 14), Bob Moores (4-6, 9, 15), Eric Dahlman (12, 14), Vance Provey (2, 13)
Strings/Guitar: Glynis Lomon (7, 11, 13), Tom Swafford (14), Tor Snyder (2, 11, 13), Aleksander Nivett (14), DNA Girl (12), Tim Mungenast (12
Keys/Synth/Electronics: Robin Amos (4, 9), Eric Woods (4-5, 15), Count Robot (12), Faruq Hassan (9), Moyu Zhang (14)
Chinese Instruments: Jimmy Zhao (14), Jiaxin Wan (6, 14), Ziyi Gao (6, 14), Yazhi Guo (14), Kaixin Hou (14)
Bass: Albey onBass (1-3, 8-11, 13), Scott Samenfeld (14)
Drums/Percussion: Jared Seabrook (1), Marc Edwards (2), Steve Niemitz (5), John Loggia (7), Eric Rosenthal (11), Jim Lucchese (12) Dennis Warren (13), Michael Knoblach (6, 9, 14-15)
Engineering: Joel Simches (1-15)

1) Fused Carbocyclic Derivatives (5:13) from Leap of Faith – Resonance Energy – 2/10/2024
2) Properties of the Crystal Lattice and its Perturbations (6:09) from Turbulence – Effects of Channeling – 2/19/2024
3) That Was Never 5 Minutes Just Now (5:56) from Perturbations – Harmonic Oscillators – 2/26/2024
4) Recession Velocity (5:27) from Leap of Faith – Accelerated Expansion Closing – 3/21/2024
5) Downward Blast (5:18) from Turbulence – Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Streams – 3/23/2024
6) Savage Henry (5:15) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream – 4/1/2024
7) Discombobulations (5:27) from Turbulence – Agita – 4/6/2024
8) Spring Systems (5:28) from Leap of Faith – Solving the Constrained Dynamics – 4/27/2024
9) Signs from the Universe (5:50) from Leap of Faith – Decoding the Evolution of Meaning – 5/4/2024
10) Unified and Harmonious Systems (5:32) from Simulacrum – Mecanique Analytique – 5/16/2024
11) Rambunctious Forms (5:29) from Expanse (Percussion Edition) – Clangorous Sounds Arise – 5/23/2024
12) Subtropical Ridge (5:32) from Turbulence Orchestra – Monsoon – 5/28/2024
13) 1-900-Cthulhu (5:04) from Neurodivergent – Stigma – 6/1/2024
Reeds: PEK (1-13), Michael Caglianone (2-3,5-7,10), Hilary Noble (5), Jared Holaday (12), Dennis Livingston (12)
Brass: John Fugarino (1-2,4-5,7-9,12-13), Bob Moores (2-3,5-12), Eric Dahlman (12-13), Duane Reed (12)
Strings/Guitar: Glynis Lomon (1,4,8,9), Tom Swafford (9), DNA Girl (13), Tim Mungenast (13)
Keys/Synth/Electronics: Eric Woods (6,10), Faruq Hassan (7), Robin Amos (10), Count Robot (13)
Chinese Instruments: Jiaxin Wan (8)
Bass: Scott Samenfeld (1-2,6,8,9), Mike Gruen (6), Becca Pasley (9)
Drums/Percussion: Jared Seabrook (1,13), Jim Lucchese (2), Michael Knoblach (4-5,10-12), Steve Niemitz (6), Sergio Bellotti (11), Andy Korajczyk (11), Ken Lovelett (11), Teri Cotè (11)
Engineering: Joel Simches (1-13)
1) Strong Localized Upward Motion (5:01) from Turbulence – Squalls – 6/27/2024
2) The Coffee Failed to Arrive (5:42) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – One Step Beyond Logic – 7/8/2024
3) Preservation of Truth Over Models (5:43) from Leap of Faith – Logical Consequences – 7/15/2024
4) Analogues (5:37) from Leap of Faith – Correlations – 7/16/2024
5) Sphere of Operations (5:27) from Expanse – Bailiwick – 7/29/2024
6) Theoretical Point Source (5:00) from Leap of Faith – Isotropic Radiators – 8/3/2024
7) Formal Statements (5:12) from Simulacrum – Replacing Reality with Representation – 8/8/2024
8) Metaphorical Distance (5:27) from Leap of Faith – Linguistic Deference – 8/13/2024
9) Good Approximation to the True Solution (5:10) from Perturbations – Asymptotic Series – 8/20/2024
10) Uncertainty (5:15) from Turbulence – Principles of Complementarity – 8/31/2024
11) Contemplating Hypothetical Scenarios (5:20) from Leap of Faith – Crawling into Consciousness – 9/14/2024
12) Skipping with Satan (5:15) from Neurodivergent Orchestra – Monsters Keep Interrupting My Science – 9/21/2024
13) Sin As Well As Virtue (5:33) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – Barsoom – 9/23/2024
14) The First Note Is in 4/4 (5:17) from Expanse Percussion Edition – Clang-a-Thon Fantastique – 9/30/2024
Reeds: PEK (1-14), Michael Caglianone (1-2,4,6,9-10,12-13), Hilary Noble (14),
Brass: John Fugarino (1,4,6,8-9,11), Bob Moores (1-2, 5-7, 10-11, 13-14), Vance Provey (3), Eric Dahlman (10,12), Duane Reed (10)
Strings/Guitar: Glynis Lomon (3,4,6,8,11), Jonathan LaMaster (5), Tom Swafford (8), DNA Girl (12), Chris Alford (2-4), Tim Mungenast (12), Gabe Boyarin (12-13)
Keys/Synth/Electronics: Eric Woods (2,7), Robin Amos (5), Count Robot (12)
Chinese Instruments: Jiaxin Wan (11)
Bass: Scott Samenfeld (1,6-7,10-12), Mike Gruen (2,13), Albey onBass (3,4), Tony Leva (5), Jay Felitto (14)
Drums/Percussion: Michael Knoblach (1,4-7,10,14), Jared Seabrook (11), Jim Lucchese (3), Steve Niemitz (2), Jose Arroyo (4), John Loggia (12), Sergio Bellotti (14), Andy Korajczyk (14)
Engineering: Joel Simches (1-14)

1) New Evidence (5:20) from Leap of Faith – Prior Credences – 10/27/2024
2) Berserk (5:16) from Perturbations – Unhinged – 10/29/2024
3) Elements of Its Spectrum (5:05) from Leap of Faith – Spectral Radii – 11/13/2024
4) Perspectives (5:37) from Expanse – Panoramic Extent – 11/23/2024
5) Coded Instruction Sets (5:49) from Simulacrum – Automatons – 12/3/2024
6) Contained Within Other Parts (5:40) from Turbulence – Nested Phenomena – 12/14/2024
7) Golden Section (5:33) from Turbulence – Golden Ratio – 12/21/2024
8) Nothing Exists Outside the Mind (5:47) from Turbulence – Objections to Realism – 1/4/2025
9) Essence of the Universe Foot Cream (5:57) from Neurodivergent Orchestra – Beyond the Planet of Banana Cream Pies – 1/11/2025
10) Continuing Resonant Sounds (5:36) from Expanse Percussion Edition –
Sonorant Pandemonium – 1/20/2025
11) All Work and No Play Makes PEK a Dull Boy (5:17) from Metal Chaos Ensemble – Room 217 – 1/27/2025
12) Polarizating And Scattering (5:18) from Leap of Faith – Pinpoint Diffraction – 2/8/2025
13) Emotion Over Reason (5:05) from Turbulence Orchestra – Sturm and Drang – 2/22/2025
14) Intensifying the Mood (5:29) from Expanse – The Insistence of Cacophony – 2/23/2025
Reeds: PEK (1-14), Michael Caglianone (2, 11, 12), Hilary Noble (10), Dennis Livingston (13), Cliff White (13)
Brass: John Fugarino (1-3, 6-13), Bob Moores (13), Eric Dahlman (5-7, 9), Duane Reed (7, 13)
Strings/Guitar: Glynis Lomon (1, 3, 7, 12), Jonathan LaMaster (4, 14), Tom Swafford (8), DNA Girl (9), Tim Mungenast (9), Gabe Boyarin (11), Lonnie Sutherfield (11)
Keys/Synth/Electronics: Eric Woods (1), Robin Amos (4, 5), Cyrus Shauoul (11, 14), Count Robot (9)
Bass: Scott Samenfeld (6-10, 12-13)
Drums/Percussion: Michael Knoblach (3-5, 7, 12-14), Steve Niemitz (11), Sergio Bellotti (10), Andy Korajczyk (6, 9, 10)
Engineering: Joel Simches (1-14)