Sparkles and Lurky in Paris

Evil Clown Images

I have thousands of photos of Evil Clown Ensembles in performance. Some were taken by people that I no longer know who they were, some were taken by band members, some are extracted from videos, and some were taken by accomplished photographers who happen to be fans of improvised music. The Galleries in this section present notable collections of Photographs by Rob Miller, Catherine Hammond, Raffi and Paul Brennan. There are also a few Galleries for notable performances where the photographer is unknown. There are also lots of photos by these photographers and others on the Bio Pages and the Album Pages.

Rob Miller | Catherine Hammond | Raffi | Paul Brennan |

Expansions | Linear Combinations and Transformations |The Expanding Universe| Principles of an Open Future | The Conception of Sense | Cosmological Horizons | The Photon Epoch| Spooky Action at a Distance