Bio: Bob Moores

Having spent most of his life flying under the radar working on obscure projects that may some day come to the light of day, trumpeter/guitarist/composer/improviser/artist/photographer/poet/conceptualist Bob Moores has finally started to emerge into the light playing in the free improvisation collective Fable Grazer and through his solo project Resonator.
Having played every kind of music imaginable on trumpet in every kind of setting from classical to funk to blues to R&B to pop punk and metal to jazz, in small and large ensembles, Bob has settled on playing only freely improvised music at this stage of his evolution, both in group situations and as a solo artist. Moores is an exponent of what he calls unschooled primitive coloristic guitar having started to play in earnest with Fable Grazer.
He has been composing music since he was a child and composes and arranges for a variety of ensembles types, instrumentations and genres. Most of his composed and improvised work since 2011 can be found on his Soundcloud page.
Bob’s influences are wide and far-ranging in both style and genre. Deep listening and open ears are key to his approach to music and it is only within the last couple of years after a lifetime of experiences, learning and playing that he feels he has found his voice, a voice that only exists in the moment and is gone. He is always open to new collaborations and situations, such as the work with Metal Chaos, and also with New Language Collaborative among others.

Bob Appears On:
Leap of Faith /
Leap of Faith Orchestra
Click on the Thumbnail to enlarge the Album Cover
The enlargement has a Link to the Album Page

Metal Chaos Ensemble

Turbulence /
Turbulence Orchestra


Evil Clown Shorties