Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024 | 2025
Year in Review | Production Summary | 2024 Performances

2024 in Review
2024 was the most productive year to date for Evil Clown. Lot’s of things long in the works have converged.
The Evil Clown History falls into two periods – The Archival Period (1993 – 2001) and the Contemporary Period (2015 to the Present). I quit being musically active in 2001 for a long time to focus on my day job which was very demanding of my time. Eventually, the job mellowed out and in 2015 I started back up again with a vengeance, broadening the scope of my sound palette with many new horns, percussion, electronics and other instruments – A significant expansion over the 6 horns I used during the Archival Period.
The end of 2024 marks the completion of a full decade of the Contemporary Period which started with a few PEK Solo recordings and Leap of Faith – Regenerations in early January of 2015. The Contemporary Period is actually now longer than the Archival Period and has far more recorded output (355 albums vs. 95 albums). The Archival Period was actually very busy, but not as well documented, with about half the output Leap of Faith (47 albums) and half the output other Projects (48) which include a bunch of Projects where I was more of a side-man or collaborator than the leader.
The Evil Clown Headquarters studio renovations were complete enough to start Livestreaming sessions in January 2023. All the ECH sessions from 2023 were broadcast from the new performance space. Over the course of 2023 we worked out final issues like the lighting and cameras and really learned to leverage the new broadcasting and recording environment.
Also in 2023, I was forced to rebuild the Evil Clown Website from scratch with a much more modern web authoring tool. I redesigned it, of course, sliming down some areas, and adding some new things. I decided that I would start creating 10 or so short video excerpts (called Video Shorties) from each YouTube LIVESTREAM and live in-person performance and post them to a second YouTube Site and Instagram. I spent the first 3 months of the year creating Shorties for all the Videos back to 2022, plus all the Leap of Faith Orchestra Scored Performances, all the Leap of Faith Orchestra & Sub Units Shows at Third Life, and all the Narrated Metal Chaos Ensemble LIVESTREAMS. I integrated a viewer showing the YouTube Shorties in these Evil Clown Performances Pages (see below) and on each Evil Clown Album Page. By April, I had the new Site more or less up to the current day after maybe 7 months of steady effort.
I created the new YouTube site on March 3, and there are now (as of 12/24/24) 1,381 Shorties posted and 13,546 views. We have always had lots of views of the full length videos (39,773 views since July 2015), but this offering of more bite size pieces gives the audience a chance to see our work in more digestible pieces. I plan to work back through the Catalog and create Shorties for many more performances during the contemporary period (2015 to the present).

Evil Clown Ensembles have always worked in a really long format. We have generally performed a single performance length piece for every show (live in person or Livestreamed) of an hour or more in length. This long format has a lot of advantages for me including simplifying production issues, the number of titles needed, and letting the improvisations breathe and organically develop. However, the music industry is not well set up for long works and the web/phone obsessed culture we live in seems to have very short attention spans…
In 2023, CD Baby, the company I use for broad digital distribution, changed their policy so that a single track CD (even if it was 70 minutes long) could only be distributed as a Single which would sell for at most $2. So, I started recording a “5-Minute Shorty” at the end of the soundcheck before we roll the LIVESTREAM so that each new album contains 2 tracks and we can still play the 70-minute duration that otherwise meets my aesthetic criteria.
I started to release Compilation Albums of the Evil Clown Shorties from each session across all the different projects. Volume 1 was completed in 2023, Volume 2 started in 2023 and completed in early 2024, and Volumes 3 and 4 completed in 2024. As of this writing, Volume 5 is about half complete and will be ready in a few months in 2025. Another advantage of the Shorties is that they make it on to Spotify who also has weird rules about the length of pieces that they will accept.
Evil Clown produced 41 albums in 2024 by 7 ensembles with variations and 3 albums of Evil Clown Shorties Compilations, which is the most production of any year in the history of Evil Clown.
Leap of Faith and the Leap of Faith Chinese Orchestra recorded 13 times, Metal Chaos Ensemble recorded 3 times, Expanse and Expanse Percussion Edition recorded 4 times, Turbulence and the Turbulence Orchestra recorded 10 times, Perturbations recorded 3 times, Simulacrum recorded times, and Neurodivergent and the Neurodivergent Orchestra recorded 3 times.
There were three Performances to Live audiences. The current version of the very large Evil Clown improvisation ensemble is the Turbulence Orchestra and Sub-Units Project which played twice in 2024 at John Loggia’s venue, 118 Elliot St Gallery in Brattleboto VT, and which will perform twice per year there going forward in the Spring and the Fall. This show merges the Boston scene that I lead from Evil Clown Headquarters with the Brattleboro scene where John is a leader and the Western Mass scene where Bonnie Kane is a leader. So far the shows have each had 25 musicians and have followed the format of the Leap of Faith Orchestra and Sub-Units shows from 2016-2019 at Third Life Studios in Somerville MA. I split the players into small units that each play a short set of 15 minutes or so for the first hour and then we do a single huge ensemble improvisation for the second hour.

The other Live Performance was at an Avant Garde Festival in Rochester NY called the Avant Garde A Clue Festival. This was a long 7-hour drive for a short 20-minute performance, but we played to a nice crowd of people who were mostly familiar with modern noise-oriented improvisation and who likely had not seen anything like what the Leap of Faith quartet edition performed there with acoustic instruments only.
Before the Pandemic we played maybe 20 shows per year and the balance of the sets were at Evil Clown Headquarters. I am happy with the new model of a few live performances to audiences and most of the performances being LIVESTREAMs. We are presenting a broad palate improvisation concept that needs a lot of equipment to realize. The ECH studios are permanently set up for this and no mass hauling of equipment is needed to present these ideas. The LIVESTREAMs are attended by viewers in real time and watched from the YouTube channel afterwards in both the full length and Shorty versions. This model of performance gains us more viewers and listeners than we were ever regularly achieved through live performance in venues.
The Live Performances are all special for some reason and since the Broad Palate Idea is so well represented by the ECH LIVESTREAMs, I travel much lighter to these shows than I did in the past.
The Evil Clown Saga marches on stronger than ever. I can’t wait to see what exciting developments the future brings!!!
PEK – 12/24/2024
Year in Review | Production Summary | 2024 Performances
2024 Production Summary

Year in Review | Production Summary | 2024 Performances
2024 Performances
(In Reverse Chronological Order)
- Click on the image to link to the Evil Clown Album Page
- Below the image are links to the Performer Bio Pages, the Evil Clown Album Page, Bandcamp page for the album, YouTube Videos, Soundcloud, and any reviews published on the web
- To Get Livestream Notifications Subscribe to the YouTube Channel

PEK, Bonnie Kane, Michael Caglianone, Victor Signore, Cliff White, F, Dennis Livingston, Eric Dahlman, Scott Moore, Vance Provey, John Fugarino, Duane Reed, Kirk Isreal, Tor Snyder, Glynis Lomon, Scott Samenfeld, Absence of Thought, John Loggia, Dennis Warren, Stephan Brandstatter, Drew Kovach, Ben James
Bandcamp | YouTube 1| YouTube 2| YouTube 3| YouTube 4 | YouTube 5 | YouTube 6 | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Bob Moores, Hilary Noble, Sergio Bellotti, Andy Korajczyk, Michael Knoblach, Jay Felitto, Joel Simches

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Eric Dahlman, Count Robot, DNA Girl, Tim Mungenast, Gabe Boyarin, Scott Samenfeld, John Loggia, Joel Simches

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Bob Moores, John Fugarino, Jiaxin Wan, Scott Samenfeld, Jared Seabrook, Joel Simches

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Duane Reed, Scott Samenfeld, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Michael Caglianone, John Fugarino, Bob Moores, Scott Samenfeld, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Michael Caglianone, John Fugarino, Chris Alford, Albey onBass, Jose Arroyo, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Bob Moores, Eric Woods, Chris Alford, Mike Gruen, Steve Niemitz, Joel Simches

PEK, John Fugarino, Eric Dahlman, Count Robot, DNA Girl, Tim Mungenast, Jared Seabrook, Joel Simches

PEK, Jared Holaday, Dennis Livingston, John Fugarino, Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Duane Reed, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches

PEK, Bob Moores, Sergio Bellotti, Teri Cotè, Andy Korajczyk, Ken Lovelett, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches

PEK, Bonnie Kane, Michael Caglianone, Victor Signore, Keith W, F,
Dennis Livingston, Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Vance Provey,
John Fugarino, Duane Reed, Scott Prato, Eric Zinman, Glynis Lomon,
Scott Samenfeld, Becca Pasley, John Loggia, Drew Kovach, Molly Melloan

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Hilary Noble, John Fugarino,

PEK, Glynis Lomon, John Fugarino, Scott Samenfeld,
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube 1 | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Bob Moores, Eric Woods,
Faruq Hassan, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube 1 | YouTube Shorties| Soundcloud

PEK, Eric Dahlman, John Fugarino, Tom Swafford, Aleksander Nivette,
Jimmy Zhao, Yazhi Guo, Jiaxin Wan, Ziyi Gao, Kaixin Hou, Moyu Zhang,
Scott Samenfeld, Michael Knoblach, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube 1 | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Vance Provey, Tor Snyder, Albey onBass,
Bandcamp | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud | Squido

PEK, Eric Dahlman, Michael Caglianone, DNA Girl, Count Robot,
Tim Mungenast, Jim Lucchese, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024