Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024 | 2025

2018 was a huge year for Evil Clown. There was one Leap of Faith Orchestra performance of a Graphic Score by PEK (Cosmological Horizons) at a great room at MIT called Killian Hall. I rented this room in 1996 for a Leap of Faith recording session which produced Linear Combinations and Transformations and later a second album of alternate takes.
There were 5 more performances by Leap of Faith Orchestra & Sub-Units at Third Life Studios following the same pattern of short sets by small sub-units and a long set with everyone. Albey onBass (Albey Balgochian) arrived on the scene at one of these shows. Albey was Cecil Taylor’s regular bassist for over a decade in the 00’s. He became a regular performing with many of the bands.
Towards the end of the year we had the first performance by Axioms (Manifestations), a trio with me, Albey and Jane SpokenWord. Jane and Albey are married and for years have performed Jane’s poetry with the accompaniment of Albey and scores of prominent improvisors.
There were a full dozens sets at the Outpost 186 residency and more sessions at Evil Clown Headquarters by the active ensembles of 2018: Mekaniks, Metal Chaos Ensemble, PEK Solo, Turbulence, and String Theory.
PEK – 1/9/2024
2018 Performances
(In Reverse Chronological Order)
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- Below the image are links to the Performer Bio Pages, the Evil Clown Album Page, Bandcamp page for the album, YouTube Videos, Soundcloud, and any reviews published on the web
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PEK, Glynis Lomon, Bob Moores, Duane Reed, Eric Woods, Albey onBass,
Reverend Grant Beale, Silvain Castellano, Adrienne Schoenfeld. Yuri Zbitnov
Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2 | YouTube 3 | YouTube 4 | YouTube Shorties

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Lucasz Pavlikovsky, Silvain Castellano,
Adrienne Schoenfeld, Albey onBass, Reverend Grant Beale
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2 | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Dan O’Brien, Bob Moores, Duane Reed,
Reverend Grant Beale, Silvain Castellano, Steve Niemitz
Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2 | YouTube 3 | YouTube 4 | YouTube Shorties

PEK, Dan O’Brien, Zach Bartolomei, Eric Dahlman,
Jim Warshauer, Bob Moores, Yuri Zbitnov
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | Soundcloud

PEK, Yuri Zbitnov, Albey onBass, Federico Balducci,
Bob Moores, Eric Woods, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Yuri Zbitnov, Jim Warshauer, Zach Bartolomei, Charlie Kohlhase, Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Forbes Graham, Duane Reed, Dave Harris, Mimi Rabson, Elinor Speirs, Jane Wang, Silvain Castellano, Zachary Levine, Albey onBass, Eric Woods, Chris Florio, Reverend Grant Beale,
Syd Smart, Eric Rosenthal, Steve Niemitz
Evil Clown Album Page | Score | Program
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Yuri Zbitnov, Bob Moores, Duane Reed,
Reverend Grant Beale, Chris Florio, Albey onBass, Emilio Gonzalez
Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2 | YouTube 3 | YouTube 4 | YouTube Shorties

PEK, Glynis Lomon. Mimi Rabson, Elinor Speirs, Yuri Zbitnov
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Bob Moores, Steve Provizer, Duane Reed,
Reverend Grant Beale, Eric Woods, Syd Smart, Yuri Zbitnov
Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2 | YouTube 3 | YouTube 4 | YouTube 5 | YouTube Shorties

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Yuri Zbitnov, Dan O’Brien, Zach Bartolomei,
Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Steve Provizer, Reverend Grant Beale,
Silvain Castellano, Adrienne Schoenfeld, Eric Zinman, Eric Woods

PEK, Bob Moores, Greg Grinnell, Yuri Zbitnov, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | Soundcloud

Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024