Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024 | 2025

2022 was a huge year for Evil Clown. Now fully recovered from the distractions of the pandemic, we proceeded to have a very busy year. We recorded 32 albums in 9 months – a frantic pace of over 3 1/2 albums per month. The last 3 months of the year were devoted to construction in the house to exchange the Theater Room and the Studio’s position in the house. This involved taking out a wall, cutting in new doors, building custom furniture for a new 60 channel Soundcraft mixing console, mounting 2 inch pipe to the ceiling for a lighting fixture truss, and a thousand other details. Joel and I spent a full two weeks over my Xmas vacation wiring it up. Every wall in the studio space is covered with instruments, mics and video equipment. In short, there is a fully equipped professional recording studio complete with 8 high end video cameras and a video mixing rig that sends a Livestream to YouTube.
The new ensemble for the year is Perturbations – originally a duet with me and Joel Simches, our house engineer, tweaking the hell out of my sounds with a ton of signal processing gear while he runs the recording. The first set was called Agitation. Later sets by Perturbations grow the instrumentalist count to two or three for a fuller sound still sparse enough for Joel’s contribution to the performance to be musical.
Also new for the year was the growth in size of Turbulence, the band formed around horn players. Once an ensemble reaches 8 players, I tack “Orchestra” on to the end of the band name. I’ve got lots of horn players in the roster and the Turbulence sets for 2022 were mostly credited to Turbulence Orchestra. This band has a drummer and a bass player and is the most Free-Jazz oriented of any of the active ensembles which are more on the Free Improvisation end of the spectrum.
Almost all the performances of the year were YouTube Livestreams from Evil Clown Headquarters, but there was one excellent Leap of Faith performance at the Lilypad in Cambridge (Spectral Sequences) and one excellent Leap of Faith performance (The Symbolic Method) at Bonnie Kane’s Friday Experiment in Holyoake MA.
Active ensembles for the year are Leap of Faith, Axioms, Perturbations, Simulacrum, Metal Chaos Ensemble, Expanse, Expanse Meets the JMDE Quartet, and the Leap of Faith Chinese Orchestra featuring Jimmy Zhao and other Chinese musician guests.
PEK – 1/9/2024

2022 Performances
(In Reverse Chronological Order)
- Click on the image to link to the Evil Clown Album Page
- Below the image are links to the Performer Bio Pages, the Evil Clown Album Page, Bandcamp page for the album, YouTube Videos, Soundcloud, and any reviews published on the web
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PEK, Bob Moores, Michael Caglianone,
Albey onBass, Steve Niemitz, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, David Welans, Dennis Livingston,
Michael Caglianone, Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman,

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Bonnie Kane, Chris Alford,
Albey onBass, John Loggia, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Ellwood Epps,
Eric Zinman, Syd Smart, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Steve Niemitz, Vance Provey,
Albey onBass, Nate McBride, Eric Rosenthal
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Jared Holiday,
John Fugarino, Ellwood Epps, Vance Provey,
Bob Moores, Duane Reed, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Michael Caglianone, Bob Moores, Eric Woods,
Mike Gruen, Steve Niemitz, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

Jane Spokenword, PEK, Glynis Lomon, Albey onBass
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Tom Swafford, Kit Demos
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Bonnie Kane, Michael Caglianone,
Dennis Livingston, Bob Moores, John Fugarino,
Duane Reed, John Loggia, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Vance Provey,
Ellwood Epps, Albey onBass, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Vance Provey,
Albey onBass, Nate McBride, Eric Rosenthal
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Jared Holiday, David Welans, Dennis Livingston,
Bob Moores, Eric Dahlman, Duane Reed
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Bob Moores, Michael Caglianone,
Albey onBass, Steve Niemitz, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Vance Provey, Michael Knoblach
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

PEK, Bob Moores, Albey onBass, Joel Simches
Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

Bandcamp | Squidco | YouTube | YouTube Shorties | Soundcloud

Evil Clown Performances
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023| 2024