Leap of Faith
Archival Period (1994 to 2001)
Excerpt From Review by Bruce Lee Gallanter
“…the music itself is strong, spirited, twisted and bristling with focused energy and like a conversation between friends. There is strong balance between the the quieter and more intense moments with some occasionally powerful eruptions…”
Bruce Lee Gallanter – Downtown Music Gallery

Leap of Faith
Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA – 18 August 2000
1) Kernel ‐ 1:08:44
PEK – clarinets, saxophones, bassoon, voice
Glynis Lomon – cello, voice
James Coleman – Theremin
Yuri Zbitnov – percussion, voice
Review by Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery
LEAP OF FAITH [PEK/GLYNIS LOMON et al] – Kernel (Evil Clown 2; USA) This version of Leap of Faith features two core members: Dave PEK on saxes, bassoon & voice and Glyniz Lomon on cello & voice plus two semi-regulars James Coleman on theremin and Yri Zbitnov on percussion & voice. This nearly 69-minute, one long piece set was recorded at the Zeitgeist Gallery (again) in August of 2000. The music here has a quietly disturbing undertow with a high level of intense, focused improv. Although then sound quality is not great and lacking in dynamics, the music itself is strong, spirited, twisted and bristling with focused energy and like a conversation between friends. There is strong balance between the the quieter and more intense moments with some occasionally powerful eruptions. Six more Leap of Faith CDs to review in coming weeks (2/28/14)
Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery