Bio: James Coleman

James was in the last version of Leap of Faith before the Haitus for a year or two leading up to our big concert Leap of the Faith vs, The Fringe at Killian Hall, MIT in 2001. We also did a trio with Tatsuya Nakatani at Mass Art which became the album Equalibrium – Fitness Landscapes. I enjoyed playing with him at that time and I hope I can get him to come do some stuff with the new Leap of Faith in the near future.
I didn’t find much real bio or any photos about James, what I did find is below. It is clear that he is continuing to be busy doing the work…
I did find this:
James Coleman has been developing and updating new languages and sonic deployment for the Theremin, arguably the first electronic music instrument, in contemporary and creative musics for the past 10 years. Primarily working in improvisation, he is an active performer and recordist in the United States, and has performed with Jaap Blonk, Axel Doerner, Stephen Drury, Peter Kowald, Chris Mann, Lionel Marchetti, Joe McPhee, Jerome Noetinger, Pauline Oliveros, Eddie Prevost, Steve Roden, and has primary collaborations with Boston area musicians, many of whom are in the BSC.
PEK – 27 June 2015
James Appears On:
Leap of Faith
Click on the Thumbnail to enlarge the Album Cover
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