Sparkles and Lurky in Paris

On Leap of Faith:

“Alien yet familiar, bizarre yet completely fascinating. Expanding, contracting, erupting, settling down, always as one force…”

     – Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery​

Recordings: Leap of Faith (LOF) – Page 2

Archival Period (1994 to 2001)

Leap of Faith (Archival Period)

First Zeit:

Leap of Faith

Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA – 15 August 1995

1) Supersymmetric Extensions ‐ 44:53

2) Irreducible Spinor Representations ‐ 31:25

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Craig Schildhauer, Syd Smart

Evil Clown Album Page



Leap of Faith

Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA – 7 March 1997

1) In the Zone ‐ 29:55

2) Point ‐ 2:15

3) Focus ‐ 34:04

4) Reach Across the Divide ‐ 12:12

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Guadulesa

Evil Clown Album Page


The Fucked-Up Circus Comes to Town:

Leap of Faith

Yuri’s Haus ‐ 14 December 2000

1) The Fucked up Circus Comes to Town ‐ 1:03:15

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Yuri Zbitnov

Evil Clown Album Page


Functions of a Complex Variable:

Leap of Faith

WMFO ‐ Tufts University, Medford MA ‐ 24 October 1997

1) Functions of a Complex Variable ‐ 1:32:20

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Leslie Ross, Craig Schildhauer

Evil Clown Album Page



Leap of Faith

Killian Hall, MIT, Cambridge MA ‐ 15 April 2001

Evil Clown Headquarters ‐ March 2000

1) Hierarchies ‐ 39:23

2) Man’s Descent to Hell (composed by PEK) ‐ 30:47

PEK, Glynis Lomon, James Coleman, Yuri Zbitnov

Evil Clown Album Page



Leap of Faith

Mama Shoe’s Housewarming ‐ 12 December 1998

1) Finalizations ‐ 27:37

2) Initializations ‐ 59:37

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Craig Schildhauer, Raqib Hassan

Evil Clown Album Page

Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2

Interactive Decision Theory:

Leap of Faith

Bookcellar Café, Somerville MA – 20 September 1995

1) Zero Sum Game ‐ 30:49

2) Mixed‐Strategy Equalibria ‐ 23:35

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain

Evil Clown Album Page


Itempotency of Union:

Leap of Faith

Yuri’s Haus – 14 December 2000

1) Itempotency of Union ‐ 44:06

2) Aggregates of the Domain ‐ 17:17

PEK, Glynis Lomon, James Coleman, Yuri Zbitnov

Evil Clown Album Page


Just Push Through It:

Leap of Faith

Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA – 12 November 1999

1) Possibility, or Actuality? – 30:41

2) Decidability – 30:15

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Syd Smart, James Coleman, B’hob Rainey, Eric Rosenthal

Evil Clown Album Page



Leap of Faith

Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA – 18 August 2000

1) Kernel ‐ 1:08:44

PEK, Glynis Lomon, James Coleman, Yuri Zbitnov

Evil Clown Album Page


Linear Combinations and Transformations:

Leap of Faith

Killian Hall, MIT, Cambridge MA – 12 & 13 October 1996

1) Subspace 1 ‐ Image ‐ 23:32

2) Subspace 2 ‐ Kernel ‐ 24:51

3) Subspace 3 ‐ Orthogonal Projections ‐ 29:17

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Craig Schildhauer, Syd Smart,

Forrest Larsen, Rob Bethel, Laurence Cook, David “Tiger” Lyons

Evil Clown Album Page


Linear Combinations and Transformations (Alternate Takes):

Leap of Faith

Killian Hall, MIT, Cambridge MA – 12 & 13 October 1996

1) Subspace 1 ‐ Image (alternate take) ‐ 19:38

2) Subspace 2 ‐ Kernel (alternate take) ‐ 22:34

3) Subspace 3 ‐ Orthogonal Projections (alternate take 1) ‐ 30:11

PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Craig Schildhauer, Syd Smart,

Forrest Larsen, Rob Bethel, Laurence Cook, David “Tiger” Lyons

Evil Clown Album Page


Man’s Descent to Hell:

Leap of Faith

Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA ‐ 11 March 2000

Evil Clown Headquarters ‐ 15 May 2000

1) Congruences ‐ 20:17

2) Mans Descent to Hell (composed by PEK) ‐ 19:36

3) Number 3 ‐ 16:48

4) Fire and Brimstone ‐ 15:53

PEK, Glynis Lomon, James Coleman, Tatsuya Nakatani, Seth Louis

Evil Clown Album Page


Mobius May 1997

Volume 1 ‐ A New Leap – 5/22/1997:

Leap of Faith

Mobius, Boston MA

1) Image of Adrienne ‐ 50:39

2) A New Leap ‐ 42:41

Guadulesa, PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Adrienne T Hawkins, Martha Ritchey

Evil Clown Album Page

Bandcamp | YouTube 1 | YouTube 2

Mobius May 1997

Volume 2 ‐ Esencia – 5/23/1997:

Leap of Faith

Mobius, Boston MA

1) Esencia ‐ 41:47

2) Recursion ‐ 4:01

3) Mandelbrot ‐ 41:43

Guadulesa, PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Adrienne T Hawkins, Martha Ritchey

Evil Clown Album Page


Mobius May 1997

Volume 3 – A Song of Peace – 5/24/1997:

Leap of Faith

Mobius, Boston MA

1) A Song of Peace – 24:53

2) Progenitors – 20:35

3) Voices of Our Ancestors – 41:46

Guadulesa, PEK, Glynis Lomon, Mark McGrain, Adrienne T Hawkins, Martha Ritchey

Evil Clown Album Page


Recordings: Leap of Faith (LOF) – Page 2

Archival Period (1994 to 2001)