Bio: Clara Kebabian

From Clara’s webpage
Clara began playing violin in the classical tradition, steeped in the standards of solo and orchestral repertoire. By serendipitous chance she happened upon the the power of violin+electricity+effect pedal and has been playing electric violin to audiences ever since.
In addition to her solo and orchestral work, she performs with and as a sidewoman for a variety of projects across diverse genres ranging from country to classical, hip hop to experimental and folk. She has performed throughout the US and internationally. Her festival performances include SXSW, The Muzine Festival (Greece), (ahts): The Boston Arts Festival, DUMBO Arts Under the Bridge Festival,Mobius, and The Boston Cyberarts Festival.
She is available for your wedding, recording session, or live event where strings are needed. In addition she teaches students of all ages within the Greater Boston Area. Please inquire for rates and availability.
Mirroring her interests in all things strings, Clara is also a violin specialist at Wiessmeyer Violins of Boston.

Clara Appears On:
Leap of Faith /
Leap of Faith Orchestra
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String Theory