Archival Ensembles
Free Trance Ensemble
Fractal Suite No.1

Fractal Suite No.1 (part I):
Free Trance Ensemble
Evil Clown Headquarters, South Boston – 1994
1) Induction ‐ 38:18
2) Causality ‐ 9:50
PEK – clarinets, saxophones
Martha Ritchey – piano
Thom Jones – tapes and sounds

Fractal Suite No.1 (Part II):
Free Trance Ensemble
Evil Clown Headquarters, South Boston – 1994
1) Assurgance 18:21
2) Epiphenominon 30:22
PEK – clarinets, saxophones
Martha Ritchey – piano
Thom Jones – tapes and sounds