Transcending Duality

Leap of Faith (2015 to Present)

Oneness / Multiplicity

Excerpt From Liner Notes by PEK

“… Since Glynis was running the show, we did a few things a bit differently than I usually do it.  She called the ensemble Transcending Duality instead of Leap of Faith and we performed six shorter works instead of our usual one very long piece and one fairly short piece.  For the purposes of the Evil Clown documentation, I’m including this session with Leap of Faith on the Evil Clown Webpage and bandcamp.…”

Mandala by Lynne Miceli

Cover Painting by Devin Lomon

Oneness / Multiplicity:

Transcending Duality

Lilypad, Cambridge MA – 19 December 2023

no 1 – 17:26
no 2 – 18:36
no 3 – 7:58
Floating Out to Sea – 15:11
no 5 – 15:13
no 6 – 10:37 (download bonus track)

Glynis Lomon, PEK, John Fugarino, Eric Woods, Jared Seabrook

Bandcamp | YouTube 1| YouTube 2| YouTube 3|

YouTube 4| YouTube 5| YouTube 6| Soundcloud

Liner Notes by PEK

In the Leap of Faith Archival Period (1994-2001), Glynis and I ran Leap of Faith together as coleaders – each of us procured and curated some of the events.  After my long break as the Contemporary Period began in 2015, we basically transitioned to me being the leader, which makes a great deal of sense as Leap of Faith is merely part of the overall Evil Clown enterprise. 

Over the last few years, we performed several times at the Lilypad as part of Alex Lemski’s improvisation series in that space.  I like playing there since the location is good and Alex is an excellent promoter who always manages to raise an audience.  When Alex was putting together his fall series he invited both Glynis and myself to bring groups.  My show, Spooky Action at a Distance, took place on 19 September 2023 with an excellent septet comprised of 3 horns, 3 strings and drums.

Glynis decided to bring a variation of a Leap of Faith ensemble which livestreamed Emergent Spacetime from Evil Clown Headquarters on 6/6/2023.  That ensemble was comprised of PEK, Glynis Lomon, John Fugarino, Eric Woods, and Jared Seabrook.  She tried to bring in two additional players, Jiaxin Wan on guzheng and Grant Beale on guitar, but ultimately, they were both unable to do the performance and we ended up with exactly the quintet from Emergent Spacetime.  This is an excellent balanced band which has Glynis on cello, two horns, electronics, and the excellent drumming of relative newbie to Evil Clown Jared Seabrook.

Since Glynis was running the show, we did a few things a bit differently than I usually do it.  She called the ensemble Transcending Duality instead of Leap of Faith and we performed six shorter works instead of our usual one very long piece and one fairly short piece.  For the purposes of the Evil Clown documentation, I’m including this session with Leap of Faith on the Evil Clown Webpage and bandcamp.

Anyway, we had a lovely audience and a terrific performance.  I really like this set and I bet you do too…

PEK 12/22/2023

Paul Brennan Photos